Exchange / Return Policy

  • To send back purchased items requiring an exchange please contact our customer care center for complete instructions.
  • Items purchased on sale cannot be exchanged. In case an exchange is granted, the purchased item will be exchanged on sale price and not on regular price.
  • BEBANO has the sole discretionary right to accept and/or deny any request for exchange as they see fit.
  • BEBANO’s customers are allowed to exchange purchased item(s) subject to certain conditions. Exchange of item(s) is valid if:
  • The customer has contacted the company within 7 working days of the purchase and requested an exchange; through email, phone call, or WhatsApp.
  • The customer has sent the original receipt and invoice with the item requiring an exchange.
  • Customer has stated their reason(s) for requiring an exchange in their request.
  • The item has its original packing and price tag intact at time of exchange
  • The item emits no odors, scents and display no stains which may suggest usage of the item prior to exchange

Once you have filed a request for exchange, BEBANO’s customer care center will get in touch with you

Damage & Claims

  • Purchased item(s) will only apply for the Damage and Claims policy if the item(s) received by the client has a manufacturing defect, is of the wrong size, or is the wrong order.
  • All Damage and Claims complaints should be raised within 2 working days after the parcel has been received.
  • Customers should also note that the Damage and Claims policy is only valid if the customer has the original invoice of the order.
  • BEBANO’s customer care representative will contact you in 24 – 48 hours. It may take up to one week for a processing to complete.